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Global networking the international community!

What country would you like to know? Reading this letter is your first approach to what could be a long educational journey!

Having a significant international experience is an important task before you start applying for professional international jobs. Why? Studying abroad is an eye-opening, transformative experience. They learn about other cultures directly, practicing their language skills everyday, returning to their countries with an independent, self-confident lifestyle.

CM Study Overseas offers summer, semester and academic year programs on both USA and Canada. If you are interested in another country, we can build the bridges to make it possible. We give advise to our students, in order that they choose the programs that are appropriate for them to upgrade their own academic and personal objectives.

Also, we trust their parents to be supportive of their son/daughter’s plans to study abroad, in order that they feel comfortable about such an important decision in their lives. This section is for the people that believe that a global vision is made out of great educational and cultural possibilities. This journey is about to begin…

CM Study Overseas Staff



People interrested in undergraduate, master´s degree and short-term language courses on USA or Canada. 



Universities interested in expanding their programs to Central American Students. 



Institutions in Central America that are interrested in giving their students options for orientation and programs for  them to study overseas. 



Parents interrested in advice for their children´s education and broad cultural development.

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